Part 1: Newbism - VectorBoy
How did you learn about Infantry?
Followed it from the SS Days, just like all the good ol' alpha boys we got in the alpha test by sitting in the EGN Infantry Chatroom. :)

When did you first play Infantry?
Around April 3rd, 1999.

Your first alias was?

Which zone did you play first?
Uhh it was the original 'Beta Zone' which was odd because it was in Alpha test. It used the original TITAN map which we've never seen since, JeffP says it may come back.. I hope so. :)

What was your impression when you logged-in for the first time?
"Wee a graphically enhanced SubSpace!"

What were your first words in the chats?

What was your first class?
Driver, I was a part of the KencoTank crew. :)

How long did it take you to learn how to shoot? To strafe?
10 seconds. And when i joined there was no strafe. It was roll baby. :)

Who was your first friend, and how did you meet him/her?
AKenCoFish, he ran me over with his tank hehh.. we always had races to get to the driver class fastest because of the constant resets.

Who was your first enemy, and how did you meet him/her?
Yankee. Working on maps.

When did you realize that Infantry was worth playing?
When Trixter (Nfisher) gave me a 2nd chance at getting into the alpha, It gave me a new respect for him, and the game.

What else do you remember best of your first days?
Having the same feeling I had when I was in the SS beta, the tight-knit and sane community that we'll never get back again.
Back: Introduction

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