Part 4: Back to the Future - Crack Trooper
What are you most looking forward to in Infantry?
I'm most looking forward to fixing the laginess. Also, the evening out of the classes in CM. Humans own Aliens in the very beginning but when the Aliens reach Queen and Hero, its all over for the Humans.

What do you think Sony should do in order to make Infantry succeed?
They should keep it free. I mean I'm pretty sure that not many people would actually pay for Infantry. If you had to pay to play Infantry, most people would probably find a new game to play, including me, instead of having to pay to play.

What new type of zone would you like to see?
Hmmmm, good question, never thought of this one. I'd have to say a somewhat similar game to CTF, but with enhanced features as in being able to get into an air vehicle that can actually fly, or having submarines and be able to sink and shoot torpedos, stuff like that. Therefore, your bases would be like 3 levels: ground, air, and water. Now that would be pretty damn cool. Oh yeah, I can't forget the ability to make your own private teams. :)

How long do you expect to continue playing this game?
I expect to play this game as long as it's free to the public. Once the bills come in, I will say so long to Infantry. Otherwise, I'll play forever.

How long do you think Infantry will last?
Like I have said, as long as it's free, more and more people will play it and when all the pre-Sony zones come back up, there will be an unbelievable amount of people playing.

Do you have any other comments, especially to those starting out?
To those starting out, grab a good v3t friend or at least one that knows how to play and understands macros and the like. If you get one, you'll do fine.

Would you like to make a custom quote?
Your ass is grass, and I'm gonna smoke it.

If you had to go out with either Georgia, BioPlague, ange1ica, or a fruit, who would you pick? :)
Nice question.. I really don't know, I barely know them. I suppose all of them. Why not? that's the only way to find out who is the best, kekeke.
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