Infantry History
Background - The original Infantry lore, from the formation of the collective to the current era, including information on planets, factions and much more. Created during the Harmless Games era of Infantry by the dev team, this content is presented in exactly the same format as was originally posted.

Manual - The Infantry "Manual" created by the Harmless Games staff back in 1999 for v0.25, this content has remained unaltered and looks the same now as it did back then.

Development - A look back at the development and ownership of Infantry.

Features - A list of features (and future features) of Infantry, taken from the website in 2000.

Final Release Notes - The release notes of infantry from v0.03 (April 1, 1998) to v1.55 (March 9, 2010)

Free Infantry revisions - The release notes/revision log of infantry post SOE by (backup)